An idea to improve telephone support in my 1 person practice

I’m trying a new experiment to improve service to callers who do not reach me by phone. For telephone calls that I miss and the caller does not leave a message (typically about 3-5 calls per day), I am using the desktop version of Verizon Messenger (because my business calls are forwarded to the cell phone but the PC is easier to use for this type of work) to send a text message that says:

“Thanks for calling Tony Novak CPA yesterday. Sorry I missed your call; it is difficult to accept unscheduled calls at this busy time of year. To schedule a free call with OnlineAdviser service, please visit”

I notice that about 1 in 3 of these messages fails because the caller is usingg a land line. Still, I see it as worthwhile to improve service to the other 2/3 of callers.

I have no evidence of any impact of this experiment that just started earlier this week.


One response to “An idea to improve telephone support in my 1 person practice”

  1. I updated the text message sent to callers who do not leave a message. Still no feedback to know if this is useful or not.

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