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Tony Novak  800-609-0683
a passionate advocate for small business success

advice quoted in The Wall Street Journal and Money Magazine

Book reviews and margin notes

This is a new project launched October 2012 with the intent of collecting previously published book reviews and published margin notes and organizing them for easier reference. The challenge is locating the previously published reviews; some online reviews dating back to my college days as editor of the school newspaper are not indexed by search engines and my own records are faulty. The list of reviews may grow as I find and repost them from various sources.

Some might characterize this project as an obsessive/compulsive act of a person with a memory disorder. I prefer to look at is as simply as a tribute to the accomplishments of these great writers, a recongition that now at 50+, I've forgotten more useful knowledge than I've retained, and that is is natural for a person familiar with the science of cognitive therapy techniques to seek a way to enhance memory with review structured review and other aids.

Index of books reviewed

(broadly classified for my own reference; links will be updated as the review resources are rediscovered).



The End of the Line

The Most Important Fish in the Sea

Geography of Oysters

Tales from the Delaware Bay

On the Run

Other fiction

The Source

Atlas Shrugged





Opinions expressed are the solely those of the author and do not represent the position of any other person, company or entity mentioned in the article. Information is from sources believed to be reliable but cannot be guaranteed. Any accounting, business or tax advice contained in this communication, including attachments and enclosures, is not intended as a thorough, in-depth analysis of specific issues or a substitute for a formal opinion, nor is it sufficient to avoid tax-related penalties. Tony Novak operates as an independent adviser under the trademarks "Freedom Benefits", "OnlineAdviser" and "OnlineNavigator" but is not a representative, agent, broker, producer or navigator for any securities broker dealer firm, federal or state health insurance marketplace or qualified health plan carrier. He has no financial position in any stocks mentioned. Novak does work as an accountant, agent, adviser, writer, consultant, marketer, reviewer, endorser, producer, lead generator or referrer to other companies including the companies listed in the articles on this web site.   |  (800) 609-0683  |  Cell/Text: 856-723-0294  |