Mobile scanning apps for taxes and accounting

If you want to handle taxes or accounting on your smartphone or tablet, you need a mobile scanning app installed on your device.

The two most popular apps that are completely free, have no premium upgrade option, include optical character recognition, and are available on all cell phone and tablet computer platforms are:

Office Lens (ties well into OneNote, OneDrive, Windows and Office apps)

Google Drive (obviously ties into Google Drive and Google Apps)

The quality, ease of use and storage options of both programs are impressive. You will be equally happy with either choice.

Of course, their use is not limited to taxes and accounting. They can be used for many other functions from business card scanning into contacts to daily meeting or class notes to snail mail management. But the use of mobile scanning has certainly changed my accounting and tax preparation work for the better.

One snap and a searchable and readable version of any document is on its way to the right folder for safe permanent storage.


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