Category: Real Estate
New Jersey real estate tax credit program made simple
This post attempts to list in simplified wording what we know and what we don’t know about New Jersey’s new real estate tax credit program. What we know: 1. In May of 2018 the tax credit program became law, even though most details of its operation were missing. 2. The program allows taxpayers to take…
The Basics of Medicaid Planning
This blog post lists key issues in bullet format and is not intended as a complete discussion of any issue. A more thorough consideration is helpful for any aspect that may pertain to your family’s situation. Definition: “Medicaid planning” refers to the specialized field of financial planning that recognizes that it is possible to simultaneously keep financial assets while,…
Remodelers/Developers Wanted in Money Island NJ
I’ve been working on the redevelopment of Money Island New Jersey as a working waterfront aquaculture-based community. The overall community redevelopment plan is posted here. Throughout this process that includes some properties I own, I have also been authorized to represent some of the other principles in this community in planning various other aspects of this…
Ducks in a row
I spent some time this weekend getting my ducks in a row, quite remarkably, pertaining to open land preservation that is most likely to be known as a duck habitat. This area along the Delaware Bay was once famous for it duck populations. Now we have only a small fraction of that peak population. Duck…
Cumulative effects of coastal flooding
How I concluded that my township would go bankrupt and what I’m doing about it This blog post is written on the eve of hurricane Harvey’s expected strike on the lowlands of the Texas gulf coast. It is written in response to a peer CPA’s inquiry yesterday on how I concluded that the combined effect…
Accountant’s verification letter for contractor
A three-minute explanation of the most common types of accountant verification letters and a tip on which type is the easiest and least expensive.
The Latest on Sandy Recovery: Almost 4 1/2 Years Later
Superstorm Sandy hit us in October 2012 – almost 4 1/2 years ago. My world has never been the same. On the day before the storm I was a ‘normal’ small business person with decent cash flow, bills paid, a little money in the bank, adequate business capital, and good credit. All of that changed…
How to handle the Trump mortgage insurance fiasco
If you are a first time homeowner with a variable rate mortgage then there’s a good chance that your payment will increase by the maximum amount this year because of rising interest rates. To help offset the burden on these already strapped homeowners, the FHA planned to reduce the mortgage insurance rate by 1/4 of…
Beware ‘house flipping’ sellers
I read an accountant’s story of a client who purchased a $40,000 “house flipper plan” through a seminar buy hasn’t flipped a house yet. I’m guessing that 2017 isn’t looking too good for that strategy. The business has no income, only losses. Now it it time to file the first tax return and the client…
2017 real estate shakeup
Real estate ownership has long been one of the three primary wealth builders and tax reducing tools for businesses and individuals. I covered this topic in my blog yesterday. That may change radically in 2017 under tax reform proposals pushed by the new Republican leadership. The Congressional leadership in both houses and our new president…