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This Web site contains a compilation of more than a thousand consumer finance  columns written by Tony Novak from the 1980s through 2006, updated and reformatted for maximum usefulness today.  New material was added after 2010.

Content is the opinion of the author and does not represent the position of any other person or entity. Information is from sources believed to be reliable but cannot be guaranteed.

The author is paid for product endorsements and has an ownership or other financial interest in the businesses related to the topics covered.

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California REALTOR health insurance options

originally posted: 9/ /2010 on Yahoo Answers  revised: 12/11/2010

Q: I live in So. Calif and am planning to be a real estate agent. I understand through the National Association of Realtors (NAR), you can get health insurance through them as an agent. I have Kaiser HMO right now and I'd like to continue with them. Is it possible to get Kaiser HMO through REALTORS Core Health Insurance?

A: "Core Health Insurance" is a specific brand of insurance just as "Kaiser HMO" is a different brand name. The two are different and mutually exclusive. In other words, the way your question is asked would be similar to saying "Can I get a Honda Civic through a Ford Mustang?" So obviously this wording doesn't make sense.

You might have meant to ask whether the REALTORS association has a selling agreement with Kaiser. The answer is no; and there would likely be no business reason for either the association, Kaiser or the members for doing so. The REALTOR association, like most other professional associations, focuses on member benefits that provide revenue to the association while making an attractive offering to the individual members.

See the California health insurance exchange for listings of plans available in your area.

Core Health Insurance is marketed as a REALTOR association benefit, Kaiser HMO is not.

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