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Book reviews and margin notes
The Source - James Michener
Atlas Shrugged - Ann Rand
A Walk in the Woods - Bill Bryson
Mutant Message Down Under - Marlo Morgan
The Screwtape Letters - C.S. Lewis
Love - Leo Buscaglia
Unlimited Power - Tony Robins
Positive Addiction - William Glasser
The Greatest Salesman in the World - Og Mandino
Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach
Made in America - Bill Bryson
Repacking Your Bags - Richard J. Leider and David A. Shapiro
The Biology of Belief - Bruce Lipton
Collapse - Jared Diamond
The World is Flat - Thomas L. Friedman
What Color is My Parachute - Richard Bolles
Eaarth - Bill McKibben
Storms of My Grandchildren - James Hansen
Bottomfeeder: How to Eat Ethically in a World of Vanishing Seafood - Taras Gescoe
Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography - Sidney Poitier
Through Painted Deserts: Light, God and Beauty on the Open Road - Donald Miller
The Shack - William P. Young
John Henry Days - Colson Whitehead
Anthem - Ayn Rand
End of the Line - Charles Cover
Chesapeake - James Mitchner
Small Business Employee Benefit Plans - an update of the 1987 publication that helped launch my career. (Republication will be delayed until after the impact of the new health insurance exchange system is better understood).
The Ugly Side - the impact of the legal system on patient care in the U.S. (Writing progress is likely to parallel the unfolding of real-life unfolding of legal reforms).
This is a new project launched October 2012 with the intent of collecting previously published book reviews and published margin notes and organizing them for easier reference.
Opinions expressed are the solely those of the author and do not represent the position of any other person, company or entity mentioned in the article. Information is from sources believed to be reliable but cannot be guaranteed. Any accounting, business or tax advice contained in this communication, including attachments and enclosures, is not intended as a thorough, in-depth analysis of specific issues or a substitute for a formal opinion, nor is it sufficient to avoid tax-related penalties. Tony Novak operates as an independent adviser under the trademarks "Freedom Benefits", "OnlineAdviser" and "OnlineNavigator" but is not a representative, agent, broker, producer or navigator for any securities broker dealer firm, federal or state health insurance marketplace or qualified health plan carrier. He has no financial position in any stocks mentioned. Novak does work as an accountant, agent, adviser, writer, consultant, marketer, reviewer, endorser, producer, lead generator or referrer to other companies including the companies listed in the articles on this web site.
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