To help our business relationship get off to a good start and quickly move forward to focus on your financial progress, please consider these six little points:
1) WRITTEN ENGAGEMENT AGREEMENT – I always work under a written agreement, usually via email, even if there is no charge for the service. See a typical sample engagement agreement here. Our work plan should be clear, including the means of communication, timeline, scheduling, responsibilities, limitations, fees, benefits, risks and problem resolution. If this is not clear, let’s discuss it.
2) REMOTE SERVICE – I’m fully online, virtual and automated. This helps me be more productive and keep costs down. If you aren’t comfortable with common technologies like cloud-based banking, email, video calls and scheduling apps then maybe we need to consider that we may not be a good fit together because you might be frustrated. I’m willing to help you get more comfortable with these things, please just ask.
3) TELEPHONE/VIDEO – I answer the call only if the number you are calling from is already in my contact list. I prefer Zoom video calls, but also use Messenger, Facetime, Skype and ordinary telephone.
4) TEXT/EMAIL – The easiest way to reach me is by text at (856) 237-9199. Any time of day is OK to send a text or email. If I can respond immediately, then I will. If not, then I will respond within one business day. I always respond within one business day. If no response after a full business day, then sorry, I somehow missed your message. Please call or send again and confirm that I received it.
5) PRIVACY AND SECURITY – Privacy and security is always paramount! Detailed information is at
6) MINI CONSULT – I offer a free or low cost 15-minute call to get acquainted and discuss your situation. If I can solve a problem in that time at little or no charge, then I am happy to do so and the benefit is yours. Schedule a call using the link at