Author: tonynova
Availibility of Basic Health Insurance
Basic Health Insurance from Markel Insurance Company is no longer available
What is in accountant’s permanent file
Flexible, experienced and affordable online advisory service.
How to avoid 4980D excise taxes in small business health plans
How small businesses can prepare for and avoid triggering severe excise tax penalties under the Affordable care Act
Is a small business required to have employee benefit plan documents
small businesses are required to have written employee benefit plan documents
How long should I keep tax records?
A list of tax records that should be kept for three years and a list of records that should be kep permanently. A link to records that an accountant keeps permanently.
Health Reimbursement Aarrangements for small businesses; advantagess and disadvantages
HRAs can be the most effective way for a small business to provide health benefits to employees
How can I get good small business benefit plan documents for my small business
sample employee benefit plan documents available free of charge to qualifying small businesses
HRA plans help owner-employees
incorpoarted business owners can realize a substantial tax savings through the use of health reimbursement arrangements