Category: Uncategorized
Audio Post on expired COBRA for Medicare eligible person
This attorney’s post seems to fully address the issue: “delaying Medicare Part B enrollment until COBRA coverage expires disqualifies the employee from the eight-month SEP that he or she would have had at termination of employment.”
Increased number of professional errors in the tax treatment of health insurance (Audio Post)
An article on this topic is updated on 3/31/2015 for 2015:
What I learned this week:
Despite the short work week abbreviated by the holiday, I learned quite a bit: Web and social media My ability to “pull” web traffic from search engines far exceeds my ability to “push” readership through social media platforms. That even includes paid promotion on social media to the extent that budget would allow for testing.…
Notes from IRS webinar on Affordable Care Act implementation tax issues
Webinar , September 17, 2014, 2 PM eastern time. The presentation handout is at Small businesses I had not heard previously that the small business credit for nonprofits was limited to the amount of their wage tax, which for a small company may be less than 35% of their health insurance costs. Q&A was led by Richard G.…
self-medicating Planter Fasciitis
I had to learn a new medical term this past week: “planter fasciitis” which means chronic sore heels. It’s a condition I could not ignore anymore. I have two of the key risk factors: overweight with an increase in walking and running (I just recently bumped up to cover 12 miles/week and hope to get…
Client Relationship Management (CRM) platform for sole practitioner
Two years ago I wrote a short product review article for CPAs on the topic of Client Relationship Management Software (CRM) that was based on my own experience trying to find a suitable platform for my own sole practitioner financial advisory business. The article titled Tech Product Review: Client Relationship Manager (CRM) Software was published…
How to fix the small business accounting fiasco
Small business tax accounting is a mess and everyone knows it. Here are two examples: The IRS has long known that small business record-keeping is so bad that if all of the tax returns of small businesses that sponsor 401(k) plans were audited, more than half of the 401(k) plans could be disqualified. At a recent…
Thought vs. action
One of the most qualified financial advisers I’ve known was such a perfectionist that he spent most of his time researching, critiquing, testing, revising different business concepts that he almost never got around to actually doing anything that would build his business. On the opposite side of the spectrum, I am inclined to jump right…