
Your own experienced CPA advisor, available on call, for both business and personal finances, without the high cost or hassles. So much more than just filing taxes; a year-round resource to help when questions arise or to keep on track moving forward toward specific financial goals.

Services Offered:

• Coaching and Planning: Financial, tax, and business
• Investment: Portfolio allocation, tax shelter, and performance analysis
• Accounting: Custom-designed semi-automated systems including banking, payroll, and employee benefits
• Compliance: Tax returns and government filings
• Privacy, Safety, and Security: Policy statements and internal controls, offsite secure backup copy of documents

Three Levels of Service:

1. Individual
2. One-Person Unincorporated Business
3. Corporate: Includes associations and partnerships with assumed recurring responsibilities


• $1,500/year or $125/month
• $2,400/year or $200/month
• $7,200/year or $600/month


Each client agreement is customized to match your goals. Some personal services are ‘built-in’ at no additional cost, while others require additional fees and contracting with other firms. All details are agreed upon in a written engagement agreement and Work Plan. Due to limited active client capacity and work scheduling, we utilize an overflow listing when necessary.


Over three decades working with individual investors and small business clients with a value-focused approach. As one of the few highly trained and experienced CPA advisors with a diverse background in small business operations and management, law, tax, investment, real estate, coaching, and accounting, I offer a unique blend of expertise. I have owned and operated businesses ranging from an organic farm to real estate and a popular fin-tech employee benefits brand. Hundreds of “five-star” comments collected over more than three decades are available online on multiple platforms.


Text, then call is usually the easiest way to connect: 856-237-9199. There is never a charge for an initial assessment and planning call. Then schedule an affordable in-person meeting or detailed analysis remote meeting with a written report. 

Tony Novak CPA, MBA, MT