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AskTony Archive

This Web site contains a compilation of more than a thousand consumer finance  columns written by Tony Novak from the 1980s through 2006, updated and reformatted for maximum usefulness today.  New material was added after 2010.

Content is the opinion of the author and does not represent the position of any other person or entity. Information is from sources believed to be reliable but cannot be guaranteed.

The author is paid for product endorsements and has an ownership or other financial interest in the businesses related to the topics covered.

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Tax Questions Index

1099 for health insurance premium payment

401(k) rollover questions

Aggressive tax positions

Allowable business losses

Amended tax return because of late-arriving 1099

Are students exempt from income tax?

Avoid under-withholding penalties

Catch-up contribution to HSA

CD interest is taxable income

Charitable Trust Research

Correcting HSA withdrawal

Copy of Income Tax Return

Change from Health Savings Account

CPA interview

Covered by Spouse's health savings account

Deduction for meal expenses

Dependency rules new for 2005

Donation of car to charity

Electronic tax filing error

Employer stock in 401(k)

Estate taxes paid to state

Estimating business expenses

FICA tax for one-person LLC

First time home purchase

Form 5500 for small businesses

Calculating gambling income

Gifting real estate to reduce estate tax

Health insurance for S-corporation owner

Health plan for spouse of self-employed

Health Savings Account in Child's Name

Health savings account coverage date

Health Savings Account deduction for 2005

Health Savings Account error

Health Savings Account for 2005

Health Savings Account insurance

Health Savings Account taxes in California

HRA for LLC or S corporation

HSA over age 65

Hot tub as deductible medical expense

Inherited IRA

Insurance paid through spouse

IRA rollover into two accounts

IRA rollover questions

IRS announces maximum retirement plan limits for 2006

Legal damages as taxable income

Minimum taxable income

Missing tax refund

Missing tax refund from IRS

Mortgage pre-payment penalty

Record keeping for business meals

Fighting for the "Fair Tax"

Income taxes for online gaming

Payroll Taxes and 401(k) for self-employed

Pension plan withholding

Planning IRA to HSA transfer

Real estate in an IRA

Reasonable compensation for a child

Reimbursement of health insurance

Reporting a tax cheater

Rx discount cards with Health Savings Accounts

Reporting employer-provided health coverage on a W2

Return of the estate tax

Risk of tax audit

Is rental security deposit taxable income?

S-corporation health insurance

S-corporation health insurance tax reporting

Saving taxes on annuity

SEP funding after death

Series EE savings bonds

Should I itemize tax deductions?

Is social security taxable?

Spousal option to avoid estate taxes

State income tax adjustment

Switching from C to S corporation

Tax audit problems

Tax free reimbursement of health benefit plans

Tax liability on insurance receipts

Tax on CD interest penalty

Tax on inheritance

Tax on home sale

Tax planning with municipal bonds

Tax return missing From W2

Tax return review

Tax update for consumer-driven health plans

Taxation of health benefits

Taxation of HSA health insurance

Taxation of IRA withdrawals

Qualifying for a Health Savings Account

W2 form delivery

Wash Sale rules

Who should file a tax return?