I might be known around here as the “crisis management guy”. In fact, most of my professional career was spent creating a path forward to help local small businesses climb from economic disaster. Until now, it was mostly a bad joke among peer CPAs. Now it is the most important professional focus that we need to help business owners.
Twelve days ago I recognized the signs of an impending small business crisis. Like most private practice accountants, I was in the heat of the business tax filing deadline. But this was not a time for business as usual. Since then, I’ve transformed my practice from a focus on tax to strategic crisis management. I knew that it was important to get the word out early: businesses that respond fastest have the best chance of survival.
We must not underestimate the impact of this unfolding crisis on our businesses. I launched my CPA practice in 2012 just before superstorm Sandy. The storm on Halloween weekend wiped out my other businesses, most of my clients’ businesses, smashed our home and wiped entire communities off the map. I was a homeowner victim trapped in the middle of the FEMA fraud case covered by the “60 Minutes” TV show that featured my attorney. Our long story of recovery in the face of government missteps in the “disaster after the disaster” is featured in Beacon Press’ newly released book “The Drowning of Money Island”. More than seven years later, that work marches forward. Persistence and perseverance, combined with the many lessons learned along the way, are now compiled into the professional service that I offer to other small businesses today.
What am I doing now to help businesses through this crisis? First and foremost, helping with the massive amount of new information emerging on a daily basis. We must focus on the new laws and resources that affects your business now. This blog post, along with daily live broadcasts, are part of that effort. These are the current “hot topics” that evolve daily:
- Cash management & forecasting
- Responding to new crisis response laws that affect your business
- SBA loan consulting up to $2 million per business.
- COVID-19 payroll tax credits
- Recognizing and avoiding small business scammers emerging in this crisis
- Qualifying for and maximizing the benefit of future cash payments for businesses in distress
- Tax extension packages & pricing
Want to learn more about how we can help? Reach me though the contact information at www.tonynovak.com to schedule a quick discussion of the issues most affecting your business now. I am also taking live and previously submitted questions on a daily broadcast at https://www.facebook.com/TonyNovakCPA. There is no cost or obligation. Stay safe and be smart!

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