Author: Tony Novak
Ten productive things I can do for my small business during this shutdown: (please share your list for inspiration)
Sharpen my skills on remote communication platforms – Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Face Time – especially for document, web page and screen sharing and group call features. Focus on the online transaction part of the business. Spend more time learning: reading, online courses, podcasts, certification Clean up and organize the supplies and inventory Schedule calls daily…
First steps in crisis management for small business owners
For many business owners, dealing with a widespread community shutdown like this is brand and previously imagined new territory. I notice that many of the business challenges we face now are similar to what we faced after superstorm Sandy seven years ago. I dug into our past experience plus pulled from advice from our business…
Small business crisis management starts with strategic communication
This time of crisis brings a need to spend extra time reevaluating our business strategies. This is a critical first step. The world’s major small business service providers like Intuit, Google and banks are already helping their networks of small business advisers offer practical help. I’ve already taken five additional training hours with past week…
Our immediate response plan
The world we knew changed in a flash. I’ve retooled my work to focus 100% on response to the effects of this shutdown issue. Crisis management strategy is something many have not dealt with before. Having lived though years of another devastating crisis and spent countless hours on strategic recovery for my own business and…
Crisis response message
This short message will go out to business clients ASAP: “Over the past four days I’ve switched my small business advisory practice from cautious planning to full-fledged crisis management. Obviously the intent of this work is to stay ahead of the impact but that is especially difficult with the situation changing by the hour. My…
Honorable James Dannenberg resignation letter
This letter is reposted here because it is the best written rebuke of the Supreme Court I’ve ever read. The Chief Justice of the United States One First Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20543 March 11, 2020 Dear Chief Justice Roberts: I hereby resign my membership in the Supreme Court Bar. This was not an easy…
An Opportunity to Change the Public Conversation
Recent news has certainly rocked our world. We don’t know where it is headed. We don’t know how it will affect our future. We don’t know when it will end. We simply know that this is not normal. Yet, even right now, I see at least one clear possibility for channeling this into positive energy.…
Introduction message to the new CPA firm
“Thank you for asking about my services this year! I had the exciting opportunity a few months ago to start a brand new CPA firm in New Jersey. It was quite an undertaking but now have a new address, new licenses and new staff. We are motivated by this new unfettered ability to make real…
Does simply owning cyber currency put you at increased risk of audit and tax penalty?
Many cyber currency owners believe that if they didn’t receive any cash then there is no tax due now. IRS disagrees and will let them know! Even a “fork” in your cyser currency now triggers immediate tax under current IRS rules. Owing tax without receiving any real benefit strikes many as unfair and the Virtual…