Category: Small Business
Choosing a telephone system for a micro business
This is actually my self-help note that may have value to other small businesses or self-employed people: Facts underlying my decision about a small business telephone system: Small business phone systems today include a lot more today than manage calls. The market is highly fragmented. The complexity that I mostly do not need actually creates…
LLC and S Corporation terminology
The purpose of this post is to illustrate the use of precise terminology regarding the most common legal and tax issues of small business LLCs and S corporations. It is not meant to be comprehensive but rather to clearly state issues that we hear raised most frequently. LLC LEGAL/ORGANIZATION – A Limited Liability Company (LLC)…
Updated professional payroll services agreement (New Jersey)
I am adding two new small New Jersey organization payroll services this week so it was appropriate to review and update my generic payroll service agreement. This confirms that I offered to establish and administer payroll services for xxxxxxxxxxx. Payroll service includes the following: Timing: The service will start within 1 to 2 business…
Revised ‘Best Practices’ in accounting services engagement agreement
I revised the Best Practices section (the wordy section) of my engagement agreements effective September 1, 2021 with a number of small changes but the major change is meant to accommodate the growing portion of clients who prefer an ongoing service agreement rather than repeatedly starting and ending shorter duration services. As before, a sample…
Small business workload shock hits home
Managing my workload now as a small business service provider is unlike any challenge I’ve faced before in my work career. I hear the same from my accountant peers. Some days it seems like I just go from one life emergency to another life emergency, never even reaching normal work tasks. I find it almost…
Update on PPP loan forgiveness
Many small businesses, including yours, obtained PPP loans through private lenders. The goal was to have the loans forgiven. Some lenders have been slow to communicate with borrowers on the process for loan forgiveness. This delay might be causing stress among some small business owners. This week the SBA opened its own direct online PPP…
States That Don’t Allow Credit Card Surcharges
At this time there is only one US territory and four states that don’t allow credit card surcharges. In the following jurisdictions imposing a credit card surcharge is still illegal:Puerto RicoColoradoConnecticutKansasMassachusetts In the following states, anti-surcharging laws remain on the books but are unenforceable due to court decisions: CaliforniaFloridaMaineNew YorkOklahomaTexasUtah Anti-surcharging provisions may still exist…
My request for local representation as SBA reconvenes the Council on Underserved Communities
Purpose: This post is created to provide more information surrounding my application to serve on the Small Business Administration’s Council on Underserved Communities in July 2021. Background: About the SBA Council on Underserved Communities: Press release of SBA announcement (June 22, 2021) to reconvene the Council: My story: I started my career in…
What to do about bookkeeping?
We seem to be in the midst of a business bookkeeping crisis but until now, I haven’t taken the time to consider why that might be. A CPE course for CPAs that I took this week points out that the most common progression of career advancement in my field is: 1) Bookkeeping, 2) Accounting, 3)…
My first business
A friend’s social media post caused me to reflect back to my days as a young farmer. I had a sweet corn farm in the 1970s, my first business, at age 16-18. It started with about 3 of dad’s acres and peaked at about 8 rented acres. Dad had a John Deere 2010 model tractor…