Category: Taxes

  • Taxes are complicated!

    Tax legislation is certainly complex. But, in reality, tax legislation is only about a million words in total. That’s about the length of seven novels. It would be manageable it that was all we had to consider. But tax law includes a lot more than just the legislation. A tax professional must have an understanding…

  • Confusion over tax return due dates

    Here is the simple scoop you need to know: Partnerships and S-corporations are due March 15. The reason these are filed first is that the information reported must flow through and be used as input to prepare other types of tax returns to follow. This is why tax geeks refer to them as “flow through…

  • Top 10 IRS audit triggers and what you should do about it if you are at risk

    Here are the top 10 IRS tax audit triggers, as compiled and published by The Wall Street Journal1 on March 5, 2022:1. Education tax credits2. Small businesses3. Child tax credit4. Cryptocurrency5. Earned income tax credit6. Large charitable deductions7. Rental income8. Home office deductions9. Early withdrawals from IRAs and 401(k)s10. Health premium tax credit If you…

  • Nontaxable gasoline reimbursement plan

    The sudden rise in gasoline prices is causing employers and nonprofits to ask whether reimbursing gasoline expenses to employees and volunteers will help them continue efficient operations. This video overviews the major points to consider and offers practical tips on how to start a plan. Relevant tax code sections are 61 (gross income), 62 (exclusions…

  • How to report PPP loan forgiveness on your 1040 tax return

    IRS included little specific guidance on the reporting of tax-exempt income from the forgiveness of a PPP loan. Generic instructions are included in the instructions for Form 1040, however tax law is clear that we may not rely on IRS instructions in this format to be reliable. Tax software, so far, and to the extent…

  • How to handle tax law complexity

    Yesterday a business owner made a comment in conversation fearful of the complexity of tax laws and his perception that compliance regulations are getting worse. His perception is accurate but I did not say so. Instead, I said that it is not my intention to help him learn more about this overly complex field. This…

  • Review of Biden administration tax policy progress after one year in office

    The Biden administration proposed two major themes in its tax reform agenda. These were widely promoted during the campaign and then heavily promoted by the White House and the U.S. Department of the Treasury over the past year. Now, one year after the administration began work, this blog post reviews the progress made and the…

  • Reflecting on the 1099 filing season

    IRS Form 1099 procedures are not overly complicated either in theory or in practice but are perhaps the most widely misunderstood topic in US taxation today. Reading online comments and suggestions and many stories of misapplication, it is clear that the government has much work ahead before it can effectively utilize business reporters’ information returns…

  • IRS Free File service is expanded

    IRS is expanding its promotion of free electronic filing this year. Eight providers are participating in the IRS’s Free File program: 1040Now, OLT, FreeTaxUSA, TaxAct,, TaxSlayer,, and Three other large and better-known tax service providers – TurboTax, H&R Block and Jackson Hewitt – have free offers for tax filing that are not…

  • Sample Work Plan for tax preparation

    This is the beginning of another tax season and I notice already that some independent preparers are struggling with the increasingly messy topic of client communications. As part of my coaching certification program I am now working with more tax accountants on helping them build their business. So this topic came up a few times…