Month: April 2009

  • nympomercial

    I’ve always had an odd fascination with new words. Maybe it’s a writer’s thing. Today I saw the word "Nymphomercial" used to describe those ridiculous late nite programs.

  • parenting: balancing passion with leadership

    a message to my son after a challenging event: You might remember that I commented on this line from Professor Dumbledore when we saw “Harry Potter” together years ago: “It is not through our words that we show who we truly are, but through our actions.” Say what you want – emotional outbursts are a…

  • Steve Lopez “The Soloist” – comments on mental illness

    Four passages in “The Soloist” had an impact on me with regard to the book’s primary theme of mental illness. The ending of Chapter 2 is one of the most memorable of the book: “Nathaniel begins to play, slicing through the madness. His eyes are closed, and in his shuttered world there is order, logic, sanity,…

  • Steve Lopez “The Soloist” – comments on writing

    Four passages in "The Soloist" had an impact on me with regard to writing as a profession. The discussion of Lopez’s journalism career concerns resonated through the book, but I suspect that most readers would not pick this out as a significant theme. I am sensitized to the issues and was very much aware of the ongoing references to the author’s wrestling with concerns…

  • Vermont marriage legislation

    Vermont’s legislature voted 2:1 to approve same sex marrages. Meanwhile, proposals in other states continue to push bans on the same. We already know which direction the courts will favor. Anyway it just occured to me that I would be in support of a ban for all marriages. From my own life expereince there is enetered into…

  • squirrel deterent to protect flower bulbs

    After squirrels ate all of my flower bulbs for the past two years, I made these wire screens from wire lath mesh sold at building supply stores. Each piece of mesh was cut to fit each planter. After it was in place I covered it with a thin layer of soil. It worked!   .