Author: tonynova
Taxation of home health care benefits and family caregivers
When it comes to providing care in the home for a parent or relative, the tax implications can quickly become complicated. The IRS issued some guidance last year when payments come from Medicaid or similar programs under section 1915(c) of the Social Security Act. In short, these payments are not subject to self-employment tax but…
Health insurance options for graduating students
tips on obtaining health insurance for graduating students
What you should know about limited partnership investments
list of cautionary considerations about limited partnership investments
Novak’s small business health plan bibliography
This is an annotated list of articles and blog posts on the topic of small business health planning and related tax issues. I expect that these issues will be important in the upcoming tax filing season and apparently few other resources are available at this time. Some of the articles are meant for small business owners…
comparison chart of Medical Savings Accounts, Health Savings Accounts and Health Reimburesement Accounts
Sample tax return preparation fee schedule
An accountant asked for this sample tax return preparation fee schedule (dated 2012), so I am posting it here for others’ use. It is not my schedule and I do not know the source. I am not implying its usefulness in any situation. It appears to be the fee schedule of some unnamed professional firm. My…
A holistic approach to small business benefit plans
Tony Novak, CPA financial planner
Tax planning for small business owners in 2017
Tax laws change every year, often providing new opportunities for business and personal planning that can save money and improve our overall financial results. This year is no exception. While there are no major changes to tax law affecting small business owners this year, there are a number of more subtle developments in tax procedure…