Author: tonynova
Small business FinCEN compliance for 2024
This post details the compliance procedure that we will use for our own businesses, affiliates and clients under our control. Others may use a different procedure. If you own, operate or control a small business corporation or a limited liability company, you may need to file a new report with the federal government this coming…
Why we use CPAs to testify about accounting statement fraud
Disclosure: While I have served as professional accounting witness in other unrelated court cases, I did not testify in past Trump fraud cases. In past Trump fraud cases in the 1990s, I offered accounting statements taken by an attorney for the plaintiff victims that included a statement of my direct communication with Trump and his…
Two page business plan template
Flexible, experienced and affordable. Available short term/hourly, on a limited term project basis or for ongoing/permanent work
Simple steps to a great financial plan
step by step actions needed to create a personal financial plan
25 Reasons small businesses choose HRA plans
Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) are praised for financial savings and flexibility
The Other 95%
comments on the future of financial services for middle income Americans based on experiences through OnlineAdviser