Category: Computers and Internet
My Friday client communications
Good communication is key to effective tax and financial planning! In today’s complex environment it is too easy to miss a communication and lose momentum. I try to review the status of all time-sensitive open issues weekly.
Small business online security update
I attended another online security program last week at the New Jersey CPA convention. This remains a topic of major concern for all types of technology users. My focus is on practical solutions for small business user issues. Yesterday an alarming show on National Public Radio reinforced the conclusion that these online security problem issues…
The latest on internet security
I’m disappointed with the reporting of internet security issues this week. This divisive world of fake news the latest political action and public reaction only muddies the core issues. It appears that few news reporters and even fewer readers have an understanding of the issue. Overall, it seems fair to say that there has been…
Cellular 4G as a primary internet provider in rural NJ
I conducted a series of tests of my 4G wireless internet over the past several weeks and this post is a summary of the results. Background We do not have access to high speed internet (either wired or wi-fi) in the neighborhood where I live so all internet comes from cellular phone carriers. Earlier tests…
Microsoft security issue: unusual activity report
I recently worked through a security issue with my Microsoft account and am now sharing this story and information that might be useful to others. Also, by writing a blog post I have an easy record of the issue for when I need to recall the details later. I conclude that the security features worked as…
Contact and calendar management
revisiting issues with Outlook, Gmail, LinkedIn, iPhone I spent some time this morning reviewing the most basic technology tools for a business person: contact manager and calendar. I’ve gone back and forth between Google and Microsoft several times and finally settled on a Microsoft Office environment using Outlook last year for the reasons outlined in…
Security upgrade for WordPress hosted small business web site
This week I noticed an apparent attempted brute force attack on this web site with over 10,000 blocked log-in attempts. This caused me to question and re-evaluate my data management plan and Privacy and Security protocols. This review is for my own satisfaction only, these is no indication that any of my systems or data have…
Easy Button for Small Business Accounting
Forty percent of small business owners said that dealing with bookkeeping and taxes are the single worst parts of owning a company according to a survey conducted by SCORE. Yesterday I spent two hours showing a small business client how to automate most bookkeeping tasks and save thousands of dollars on bookkeeping costs. I introduced our session…
Drive encryption (or file encryption) revisited
I just read a pretty good article written for attorneys recommending drive encryption on laptop PCs and mobile devices. The basis of the recommendation is the assumption that attorneys have sensitive private information on those devices that is at risk when they are working “on the go”. This prompted me to read a few more articles…