Category: crisis management
Coping with Financial Insecurity Caused by Government
A lot of us learned this past month that our lives are not as financially secure as we believed. Today’s news and emails are buzzing with fears of individuals facing strongly worded government demands to pay back money that they never received. Small business farmers in our South Jersey region had spring contract payments cancelled,…
Ten tips to prevent bad gas
Smart handling of gasoline is part of many small business operations and a disaster preparedness plan. Gasoline contaminated with water can significantly impair engine performance, resulting in rough idling, reduced power output, higher fuel consumption engines that just won’t start or stay running. These problems not only compromise the efficiency of autos, boats, and equipment…
Discrimination against married business owner in New Jersey
I’ve owned and operated small businesses individually in my name as a married person for more than four decades. Until recently, they were all based in Pennsylvania or Delaware. I’ve had plenty of business financings, loans and mortgages, all without my spouse’s involvement. Recently I relocated them to New Jersey and hit a brick wall…
Managing the accelerating pace of economic change
The most difficult thing I deal with day to day is coping with the accelerating pace of economic change. The constant ‘whatever I said last is out-of-date now’ cycle of business life is stressful. We tend to focus our attention on financial change but of course there are always other significant forces driving the financial…
Summarizing our current situation
Let’s summarize: 1) We have a housing shortage, a worker shortage, a skills shortage, a savings shortage, and a growing cash flow shortage for the majority of middle class people. 2) The wage and income gap, however measured, has been widening almost every year for more than 50 years. 3) Government debt continues to grow.…
My long slow boring health journey
Those in my generation are aware of the dramatic shift in public health information over our lifetime. Much of what we believed 50 years ago is taboo today. We lived through fads of belief that tobacco was healthy, that processed food could substitute for raw foods, the three martini business lunch was sustainable, the crusade…
My Greatest Fear
My greatest fear is that the world, and specifically the United States, is on an accelerated path of self destruction and there is little I can do to change this. A probabilistic analysis of current events, including yesterday’s ruling by the Supreme Court against the U.S. emission control plan, lead to a conclusion that we…
Nontaxable gasoline reimbursement plan
The sudden rise in gasoline prices is causing employers and nonprofits to ask whether reimbursing gasoline expenses to employees and volunteers will help them continue efficient operations. This video overviews the major points to consider and offers practical tips on how to start a plan. Relevant tax code sections are 61 (gross income), 62 (exclusions…
How to report PPP loan forgiveness on your 1040 tax return
IRS included little specific guidance on the reporting of tax-exempt income from the forgiveness of a PPP loan. Generic instructions are included in the instructions for Form 1040, however tax law is clear that we may not rely on IRS instructions in this format to be reliable. Tax software, so far, and to the extent…
Is a small business tax crisis looming?
I am increasingly concerned about the possibility of a small business crash ahead. The early warning sign is the difficulty I see in so many small business client in making their last year’s tax payments. This year, more than half of my small business clients than ever before cannot currently meet their 2021 sales tax,…