Category: Small Business

  • Digital Marketing: Week 3 update

    My unpopular opinion over Starbucks’ weak marketing to the over 50 crowd in week 2 is addressed to my classmates’ satisfaction and so now it’s on to a lesson on the impact of 3D printing. The digital marketing course takes 6-8 hours per week but I am please to be keeping up with it. I…

  • Sample professional payroll service agreement

    What do you get when you hire a professional accountant to handle your payroll accounting and wage tax issues? This is certainly a fair question since the level of service seems to vary widely between providers. Some payroll service providers, I understand, do not even put the details of their services in writing. The professional…

  • Crowdfunding for agriculture and aquaculture

    A US-Greek agriculture company will attempt to issue $7 million in a crowdfunded offering this week. The money will be used to acquire small farm in Greece and convert them into organic producers. The company believes that it can run them more efficiently as one large enterprise. This has been a fundamental driver in consolidation within…

  • Crowdfunded debt rating confirmed for investors

    Moody’s rating service removed its warning on specific crowdfunded debt securities issued by Prosper and sold to investors through Citigroup. This action by Moody’s came after Prosper increased its loss projection to 13.1% of remaining assets in the pool. This news emphasises what I’ve said over and over: successful crowdfunding is based on good fundamental…

  • Comcast hypocrisy on internet service

    A Comcast employee was filmed on NBC10 Philadelphia news last evening saying “You can’t connect to the American Dream if you can’t connect to the Internet“. Yet after years of urging by community leaders and politicians, Comcast refuses to connect the rural communities of southern New Jersey located within 60 miles of the company’s Philadelphia headquarters. It…

  • A small business marketing resolution

    I’ve written recently how I cancelled a small business marketing firm’s contract because my client did not achieve the specifically stated objective of the marketing program which was to show evidence of one lead generated within the first six months of the program. The lead could have been a phone call, an email or an…

  • Which of these is different than the others?

    Comments about a marketing services sales video Remember those questions on cognitive aptitude test asking you to identify which item in the group is different than the others? Here’s one I ran across today in a video presentation: Item 1 – Marketing message from a daycare Item 2: marketing message from jeweler Item #3 – marketing…

  • Open to new ideas in CPA marketing

    It is clear that the first 18 months of my new business marketing has been a flop. The consensus advice “you’re on the right track just keep doing what you are doing” is either insufficient or just plain wrong. There is no logical explanation why my mix of marketing has not generated any new clients…

  • Crowdfunding data on small business equity financings

    Crowdfunding data on small business equity financings

    I took time last night to analyze newly released data from the first 50 (more or less) small business equity crowdfunding deals completed in the United States. Some interesting trends are emerging that have significance for investors and issuers; I’m sure I’ll have more to say soon.

  • Employee or contractor?

    Like most small business accountants, I often find problems with misclassification of workers as contractors. Sometimes the problems find me after an employer has been penalized by the IRS or a state auditor and the owner now needs tax penalty relief just to stay in business.  Misclassification can be painful. I can cite plenty of casualties where…