Category: Taxes
Tax Reform 2.0 update
This is a bullet point overview of the “Protecting Family and Small Business Tax Cuts Act of 2018” (HR 6760), the “Family Savings Act of 2018” (HR 6757) and the “American Innovation Act” (HR 6756), that are collectively referred to as “Tax Reform 2.0” as passed by the House of Representatives on September 27-28, 2018.…
New Jersey real estate tax credit program made simple
This post attempts to list in simplified wording what we know and what we don’t know about New Jersey’s new real estate tax credit program. What we know: 1. In May of 2018 the tax credit program became law, even though most details of its operation were missing. 2. The program allows taxpayers to take…
PDF document handling in 2018
The Internal Revenue Service, state revenue departments and many other branches of government and industry rely heavily on the Portable Document File (PDF) format handling electronic documents. It follows then, that a tax professional needs to be up-to-date in handling PDFs with maximum security and efficiency. According to Wikipedia, the Portable Document Format (PDF) is a…
Sample small matters, financial planning and tax services engagement agreement
This is a sample high-value agreement for ‘piecemeal’ or small matter individual and small business financial, accounting and tax services performed outside of an agreement for comprehensive or ongoing services. The agreement incorporates cost-saving technologies and procedures to save time and money while maintaining a high level of professional service (revised April 4, 2019). Contents:…
Fast Facts about the US economy
A few rich politicians are touting the “miracle economy” and unfortunately this propaganda is effective in fooling some people. Here is the real story for average Americans: REAL EARNINGS ARE GOING DOWN FOR MOST PEOPLE. We earn less than we used to when measured as purchasing power. We’ve had the greatest drop in real wages…
Responding to false tax and accounting advice
I ran across a social media post tonight that was blatantly false. What’s the big deal? We see that every day, right? This specific post on LinkedIn bothered me because the topic was IRS taxes. The post provides entirely incorrect information that a non-professional reader would not likely recognize as false. The author lists advanced…
Passport threatened by IRS?
Have you received notice from the IRS that your passport will be revoked? Was you passport application declined because of unpaid taxes? Take action immediately to address a crisis soon affecting almost a half million Americans. The best approach is to use an experienced professional representative to negotiate a solution. Don’t wait; act quickly to…
The most important tax tip of the year
Take advantage of the most generous part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, known as Section 199A by; 1) Exploring whether your business CAN benefit, and 2) Settling protocol to make sure that your business DOES qualify based on the 184 pages of proposed regulations just released this month. The important thing is to…
Concern over unsustainable tax policy
Most accountants, as far as I can tell, are concerned about unsustainability of our national deficit spending. This recent tax cut was a big step in the wrong direction. My latest podcast discusses the basics.
Biggest tax news of the year: 30 million will owe IRS this spring
The biggest tax news of the year came out buried inside the pages of a report issued last month by the General Accounting Office. I call this the ‘biggest news’ because it adversely affects almost 30 million people. The people most likely to be affected are upper middle income taxpayers – in other words, my…