Category: Writing

  • Spin on “junk health insurance”

    My writing this week illustrated the power of language in the most simple and classic form. I know when I’ve hit a nerve because of the number of complaints generated; it is an unfortunate fact in the political world that those who cannot directly combat free speech will attack through another means. By that measure, a sudden wave…

  • Health insurance topics: COMMENTS WANTED

    Health insurance topics: COMMENTS WANTED

    I’ve decided to publish a list of topics for upcoming writing projects and intensify my efforts to obtain comments and ideas from within the industry and public as well. As always, all comments are welcome. This is the proposed list of writing topics for the next two weeks: 1. Growing need for Gap Insurance 2. Patient…

  • memory

    "Memory can be a tricky companion at times, especially with the accident, and I would not be too surprised, in spite of our concerted effort toward accuracy, if some factual errors and faulty rememberences are reflected in these pages. They are not intentional." foreward of "The Shack" by William Paul Young

  • nympomercial

    I’ve always had an odd fascination with new words. Maybe it’s a writer’s thing. Today I saw the word "Nymphomercial" used to describe those ridiculous late nite programs.

  • company for the weekend

    Note added January 7, 2017: I was recovering from a head injury at the time of this post and living alone to minimize sensory and emotional input. Writing, including blogs, was an important part of my rehabilitation. In retrospect, it was a smart strategy that aided my recovery. I leave the post up because it may…