NJ flood news dominates my web traffic

A review of my web site traffic for the past month indicates that the four heaviest traffic days featured new posts describing the effects of flooding at the Delaware Bay in New Jersey. These accounted for more web site visits than any other topic.

A month ago I reported that state and country sources independently confirmed that our local township government would disband at an undetermined date.

Then about a week later I wrote about the cumulative effects of coastal flooding based on my own experiences. People said to me that they were unaware of much of this, especially including the massive drop in property values along the shore. Yesterday, ironically, I spend the entire day dealing with premature deterioration of the underside of my SUV caused by driving through flood waters. This additional cost adds thousands of dollars pr year to the price of living at the beach, not even counting the lost time and productivity.

Unfortunately, none of my coverage of hot topics in tax and employee benefits came close to generating this level of reader interest. Too bad. Nevertheless, I remain excited by the unfolding news that will save businesses a substantial amount in taxes and employee health care costs in the year ahead. There is little else we can do about flooding; it seems far more productive to focus my attention on tax and benefit topics.



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