Category: Accounting
How bad tax advice tripped millions of investors
“Good tax advice may appear to be expensive, but it’s not as costly as blowing up your IRA” -WSJ What’s the easiest way to lose half of your retirement assets to IRS taxes and penalties? Follow the most popular social media tax and investment advice. Investors who lose tax court cases find that cultural norms…
Avoiding SALT tax deduction limitation
Yesterday a financial advice column in carried a Q&A from a guy who contemplated leaving New Jersey and moving to Florida because he could not deduct all of his state and local taxes. The post went methodically through all the pros and cons and associated calculations of the question posed. But it missed the…
Reflections on 2021 business
As we wind down this year, I can say unequivocally that I’ve learned more during this period than any other time of my life. Financial results – I had the lowest gross income of my 40 year career, yet made big progress in paying off all consumer debt, improving my credit score (that was dinged…
Which version of QuickBooks for 2022
Self employed version not endorsed In general, we work with and endorse any of the online QuickBooks versions except the self-employed version. That’s a shame because the self-employed version is the most affordable, ranging from $5 to $15 per month depending on your sign-up promotion. You may use this version and find it perfect for…
What to do when we find fraud
Accountants are trained to detect fraud. We are not taught what to do when we find it. Peer coaching can help. Accountants are trained to be aware of the possibility of fraud even if we are not looking for it. Some, including CPAs and forensic accountants, are trained in the skills required to detect it.…
Millville CPA Announces $50,000 in Free Accounting Support to Community
Tony Novak CPA is pleased to announce exciting changes to nonprofit and micro-business accounting services for 2022. We all know that 2021 was a year that triggered us to reevaluate our internal business practices and adapt to cope with the new realities of the business world. This past year our firm was overwhelmed with the…
Pricing variation of tax preparers based on community size
The National Association of Tax Professionals (NATP) found that the national average hourly rate charged by tax preparers varied greatly by the size of the community where they worked. Those in rural areas charge much less than those in mid-sized towns and cities. This trend was revealed in NATP’s annual member survey. Of course, I…
Due dilligence and compliance checklist of nonprofit organizations
When associating with a nonprofit organization an accountant, attorney, prospective board member, partner of major business associate should perform a due diligence check of the organization. Additionally, management should undertake a periodic review occasionally just to check to ensure that the organization’s records are up to date. This checklist is prepared to help make that…
Evolution of my small business communication systems
About a month ago I launched a project to update my basic business communication systems. I took my time and looked at options and was surprised how complicated it was to accomplish these basic tasks. The goals were: Simplify and improve voice telephone quality integrate SMS and MMX texting for desktop use and automatic inclusion…
Thoughts about ongoing education
There are more than 700,000 postsecondary degrees, certifications and other credentials available to students in the U.S. who may be seeking to gain more valuable training (Your Money Briefing, October 15, 2021). I’ve lost track of how many of these I’ve taken, but ”dozens” is the most accurate description that I can come up with…