Category: Government
Four good reasons to use an ITIN
If you do not have a social security number, perhaps because you do not have legal immigration status in the US yet, then I strongly recommend that you obtain and use an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). Here are four key points: No fear of INS – An ITIN is not used as an immigration enforcement tool. Many millions…
My potential windfall from the Trump health care reform plan
Trump’s health care reform plans turn out to offer potential career windfall for me. I haven’t considered it in any detail because the election came as such a surprise. In fact, I haven’t even seriously considered the details or impact of the proposed Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act. This blog post simply summarizes the first…
New Jersey death tax update
Until now, New Jersey had both an estate tax and an inheritance tax. Estate taxes are paid by the deceased person’s estate before the money is distributed to their heirs. Inheritance taxes are paid by the heir who inherits the money or assets. The New Jersey law referred to as the Transportation Trust Fund bill negotiated by state…
Leadership involves politics!
“Where do we want to go in the future? What is our vision? That is politics.” – Bernie Sanders, talking in Philadelphia yesterday to address those who say they are disgusted by the process, don’t want to talk about it, or don’t want to get involved. Sanders focuses on intelligent civil discussion of the the…
How the decline in civility affects small business advice
I read much about how an overall decline in civility is evident in many parts of our modern life. I commented on this theme in my earlier blog post reviewing the 2005 book “Collapse” by professor Jared Diamond. Increasing tension between government and its citizens has always been an observed corollary of a declining society.…