Category: Security
Tech changes this week rock small businesses
Both of these issues came in the last days of September. As of today, I only know that both issues deserve more attention. MICROSOFT: This is significant technical news for the legal and accounting fields as well as many other small businesses who use a Windows based system to manage data. Bottom line: I will…
Update on accounting business practices
In the normal course of business it is necessary to periodically update for changing trends, technology and legal and industry standards. This month I made the following six changes that will be reflected in future engagements: 1. Elimination of fax communications. Fax is just outdated, often insecure and inefficient. Instead, I encourage the use of…
Text messaging for income tax filing
We notice that a growing portion of our tax clients prefer to communicate by text message over other methods like live in-person, telephone, fax, email, and video call. It is clear that texting is the #1 tax communication method now, exceeding the combined use of all other methods. The IRS and state tax authorities do…
Accepting QuickBooks invitation to online accountant
Some blog post I write just for me, so that I’ll remember next time the situation comes up. If this helps another accountant, great. This is a workaround to a overly sensitive security issue that’s caught me a few times. A prospective client sends the accountant invitation through QuickBooks Online. (If you are not an…
An experiment in password security
Back in 2012 I published a few educational articles reviewing and promoting the use of password management software. The message in short: we should all be using separate, randomly generated passwords for each our online accounts that are not written or recorded in non-secure online locations and are changed periodically. One of these articles is still…
Seven things you can do to help disarm the U.S.
It is possible to simultaneously support the 2nd amendment and disarmament. The world is changing at an increasing rate. This is called the “age of accelerations”. Unfortunately our government, our laws, and public attitude is not keeping pace with this rapid pace of change in a way that allows up to effectively process and deal…
Manage these five key relationships for a happier 2018
Recently there’s been a media blitz about the power and influence of what the New York Times calls the “Frightful Five”: Amazon, Google, Apple, Microsoft and Facebook. Despite this media blitz I suspect that most of us know little about this topic. The more we learn, the more we are likely to know why they…
The Paperless Office
I began the move toward a paperless office more than 20 years ago. Back then I operated a 5 person inter-discipline office with technology dominated by cables running from one machine to another. I was the the firm owner as well as the ‘technology guy’ by virtue of my early adoption of PC technologies1. By…
Small business online security update
I attended another online security program last week at the New Jersey CPA convention. This remains a topic of major concern for all types of technology users. My focus is on practical solutions for small business user issues. Yesterday an alarming show on National Public Radio reinforced the conclusion that these online security problem issues…