Category: Small Business

  • Remodeling industry survey results

    The results of a major survey of the remodeling industry were released this week in the annual Houzz & Home study that is reportedly the industry’s largest survey of residential remodeling, building and decorating activity. I suggest that remodelers should compare the findings in the report with the assumptions built into their own business plans.…

  • Fraud in crowdfunding

    “There was a time when a fool and his money were soon parted, but now it happens to everybody on crowdfunding sites.”  I modified this quotation from Adlai Stevenson to fit our modern times. The late statesman who died in 1965 would have no way of knowing the overwhelming challenges we face in dealing with…

  • Security for rural homes and businesses

    Recent national news brought a wave of follow-up stories about gun control, mental health and the risk of violence toward society. I add the unusual personal perspective of having been the victim of death threats and attempted manslaughter. The risk may well be past but it still lingers in my mind. New Yorker Magazine published a…

  • The goals of compensation and benefits planning

    The goals of compensation and benefits planning

    ​​​​ It occurred to me over this weekend that over more than three decades I’ve produced hundreds of recordings, articles,  columns and radio spots on various technical aspects of compensation and employee benefits planning, but that I’ve never talked about the basic primary goals that we all share in this work. There are four primary…

  • Trends in U.S. economic migration

    I’ve absorbed a flurry of input this week from news articles, NJTV, a symposium presentation and social media discussion all on the topic of economic migration trends within the U.S. The NJCPA has taken up this issue as it relates the the “wealth drain” in New Jersey. The pattern that is emerging is that the majority…

  • IRS scam education

    The Federal Trade Commission has a useful infographic to educate consumers on the risks of scammers pretending to be IRS collectors. It helps clarify that IRS does not call people suddenly and unexpectedly and attempt to scare them into paying by gift card or electronic transfer immediately to avoid arrest.

  • Presidential election in a perfect world

    In a perfect world free from the pressures of greed and big money influences, I would love to see a slate of top-quality presidential candidates based purely on merit and leadership potential that would give the American people real choice and an opportunity to focus on the approach that wish to take to guide our nation’s…

  • Small business traditional lending is tightening

    The latest survey of banking practices shows that while standards are easing for residential mortgages, auto and other personal loans, standards on business loans toughened in the fourth quarter of 2015. The trend seems to be hitting small business owners hard, especially those like remodeling contractors who may need to finance active projects. The Federal…

  • New money-saving features in retail banking

    The Wall Street Journal carried two interesting articles on retail banking today. I’m in the process of moving our business banking to Wells Fargo that shows up prominently in the list. Wells Fargo is doing a handful of things right. The real story is the growing list of time-saving and money-saving features offered by banks…

  • More on CPA risk of unauthorized practice of law

    I learned something new today on the topic of a CPA’s exposure to risk of unauthorized practice of law. In this case the matter is a small case civil dispute arising from a tax matter in Pennsylvania. This matter would be brought in the Magisterial District Court, so local court rules apply. The question was…