Category: Government
Charging bull and defiant girl at the bayshore
This sculpture exhibit and the associated story in The Wall Street Journal this week perfectly symbolize for me where we stand today in the evolution of humanity. It strikes a chord with me personally having transitioned from Wall Street to environmental advocacy and now facing the threats of institutional power. This week the small business…
Allowable discrimination in small business operations
There are no legal protections from discrimination in service based on political affiliation or expression A story in the New York Post raises an interesting legal point about allowable discrimination in small business management. When discussing the topic of discrimination in a small business setting it makes sense to first recognize the terms “legal discrimination and…
Keep the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Independent
In 2008 the United States suffered a previously unimaginable financial blow stemming from negligence, scandal and fraud at multiple levels of banking, Wall Street investment firms and government. We suffered but survived it by coming together, accepting the major financial setback to our lives, and taking steps to ensure that it did not happen again. One…
Why we need drunk driving reform in New Jersey
During this month ten years ago – March 2007 – the Cumberland County New Jersey prosecutor’s office processed charges against a 3rd offense drunk driver for attempted vehicular assault after he intentionally struck me and then fled the state to avoid prosecution. A Cumberland County grand jury later voted to indict the driver but he…
America first is still a dumb idea
This cartoon by Chad Crowe ran in The Wall Street Journal this week with an editorial that said that business leaders know that “America first” is the wrong approach but that they are being politely silent for fear of upsetting the administration. It’s been an obvious economic truth to me, and I do not have any…
Republican attacks against labor unions
Yesterday Pennsylvania labor unions became the latest to suffer a legislative setback Labor unions are under attack. Newly elected Republican governments around the country went to work this past month to weaken the unions exactly as they announced in the campaign season. While labor unions normally support Democratic pro-labor platforms, this year many unions and their…
What does “repeal Obamacare” really mean?
Republicans have shouted about repealing Obamacare for the past six years. The war chants grew even louder since the November election. Now that the Republican Congressional leadership actually has the ability to defund and repeal the health care law they despise, almost all of the discussion in the news this month is about the features of…
Update on Electoral College reform
Congressman John Conyers, Jr. of Michigan plans to lead actions aimed at reform of the Electoral College rules in the new 2017 Congress. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact calls for Electoral College delegates to pledge all of their electoral votes to the popular winner no matter who won in their states. So far the change…
Leadership strategies to oppose the Trump regime
“I am asking you to believe. Not in my ability to bring about change – but in yours.” —President Barack Obama, farewell address 1/10/2017 9 tactics for local boards Leaders of progressive businesses, community organizations and especially nonprofit environmental organizations whose future is at stake are scrambling to reorganize their government relations strategy since the…
Climate change denial: crime, mental disorder or both?
In 2005 I published an editorial that forecast that climate change denial would eventually be ruled a culpable offense by some court. I predicted that certain New Jersey governments denying climate change, specifically those that refused to respond to sea level rise, would eventually be held responsible for property loss that could otherwise have been…