Category: Leadership
The real reason why San Francisco is a great place to live
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors recently passed a resolution, introduced by Board President London Breed, in response to the election of Donald Trump. The resolution reads as follows: WHEREAS, On November 8, 2016, Donald Trump was elected to become the 45th President of the United States; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That no…
Top five traits of a good director
This survey by Russell Reynolds says that the the top trait of a good corporate director is courage.
My prayer for America
I’ve been a huge supporter of ongoing lifetime education. I take, on average, the equivalent of ten continuing education courses in a year along with time set aside for associated readings. I’m not just talking about continuing education for my profession. I’m not talking about the education available in our high schools, unfortunately, or even…
Scoreboard: Radical Republicans – 0, Concerned Citizens – 1
Anyone who doesn’t believe that outspoken citizens can make a difference remember today, the first day of the new 2017 Congressional session. I’ve been clear for the past month that my leadership plan this year is to draw attention to feeble policies and unacceptable individual actions for the purpose of emboldening leadership to oppose the stated…
Leadership strategies to oppose the Trump regime
“I am asking you to believe. Not in my ability to bring about change – but in yours.” —President Barack Obama, farewell address 1/10/2017 9 tactics for local boards Leaders of progressive businesses, community organizations and especially nonprofit environmental organizations whose future is at stake are scrambling to reorganize their government relations strategy since the…
Electoral college surprise?
Early this evening the electors gathered enough voted to make Trump the next president as was expected. I predict this is the beginning of the end of the electoral college. An unprecedented legal maneuver is underway among 270 of our nation’s leaders and it seems too soon to predict the outcome. Harvard Law Professor Larry Lessig…
Climate change denial: crime, mental disorder or both?
In 2005 I published an editorial that forecast that climate change denial would eventually be ruled a culpable offense by some court. I predicted that certain New Jersey governments denying climate change, specifically those that refused to respond to sea level rise, would eventually be held responsible for property loss that could otherwise have been…
Three things that would make today a success
I read an online article about a successful executive who had the daily habit each morning of writing himself a note on the topic ‘three things that will make today a success’ and carrying that note in his pocket throughout the day. It sounds like a great idea. I tried a similar version by putting…
Attack on our two basic freedoms
Ordinary Americans rely more on two basic freedoms than any other. The recent attacks on these two basic freedoms scares me more than anything else in these tumultuous times. By ‘attacks’, I don’t mean that we are at risk of losing these rights. Rather, I mean that our crucial rights are most vulnerable when we…
“Putting America First”
This week the president-elect said “My agenda will be based on a simple core principle, putting America first”. Perhaps no single sentence could state so succinctly what is wrong with Trump’s thinking. This strategy may have worked well in building a real estate empire but it is just as likely to lead to disaster, tragedy,…