Category: Computers and Internet
Six things I can’t believe that you are not using yet
As we end the decade, I look around with amazement at the general lack of regard for online security. I don’t know if people don’t know the risks, underestimate the risks, object to the cost, simply don’t care, or possibly there is some other reason. I would have presumed that most people would have adopted…
Verizon Wireless cellular data throttling revisited
Today the news coverage of ATT’s $60 million fine for deliberately throttling cellular internet data raises new questions for me. I’ve covered the same issue with Verizon Wireless in detail here on my blog for years. The most recent blog post documenting the problem is here. Verizon Wireless admits to the practice of deliberate throttling.…
Lenovo Thinkpad T-580: one year review of a solid notebook computer
A little more than a year ago I purchased a Lenovo Thinkpad T580 notebook computer and by now I now have at least a thousand hours of use on it. I reviewed it last October in another log post here. This is a short bullet point update of that review now, a year later. No doubt, this…
Edge vs. Chrome for small business
I am considering switching from Chrome to Edge as a primary business browser on Windows 10 machines. Security will be the highest consideration in the decision with privacy, speed and resource consumption also important issues. No decision is made yet. One thing is clear: the two were not even close until the most recent fall…
Tech changes this week rock small businesses
Both of these issues came in the last days of September. As of today, I only know that both issues deserve more attention. MICROSOFT: This is significant technical news for the legal and accounting fields as well as many other small businesses who use a Windows based system to manage data. Bottom line: I will…
New problem with cellular internet
Preface: Of course Murphy’s Law dictates that this internet access issue rose to a crisis status in the last two business days before the business tax filing deadline on Monday. I’ve been thinking how ironic it would be if lack of internet access is the factor that finally causes me to leave my home office…
Text messaging for income tax filing
We notice that a growing portion of our tax clients prefer to communicate by text message over other methods like live in-person, telephone, fax, email, and video call. It is clear that texting is the #1 tax communication method now, exceeding the combined use of all other methods. The IRS and state tax authorities do…
- Expert Certification is a market-leading software that automates tedious tasks, gets you paid faster electronically, and integrates with your accounting software to fit your workflow. I started using it last year and passed the expert certification program today. For a demonstration of how this technology can save time and money for your firm throughout the year and…