Category: Government
Two theories of government
“There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that if you will only legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea, however, has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous their prosperity will find its way up through every class…
Remember this night!
Remember this night. Tonight all 52 Republican Senators voted against letting anyone read the new tax code with its many previously unknown special interest amendments crammed in at the last minute and then freshly marked up with handwritten changes added by lobbyists before they required a vote on it. Shocking but true. When the details…
Inspiration from ‘Lady with a Fan’
“That’s how it stands today. You decide if he was wise. The story teller makes no choice, soon you will not hear his voice. His job is to shed light, and not to master.” This lyric by Robert Hunter was posted on the cover of my personal blog cover page for part of the 1990s…
The ultimate cost of opposing corruption
In the spring of 2016 the world learned about the “Panama Papers”, more than a million leaked documents from powerful law firm Mossack Fonseca that showed money laundering and corruption of hundreds of the wealthiest families in the world. The leak report titled “The Revolution Will Be Digitised” exposed the ways that financial corruption is…
Single payer health care on the rise
We see fresh indications that public and legislative support for a single payer health care system are on the rise. Bernie Sanders is one of a growing number in Congress who support the HR 676 “Medicare for All” bill this week. A long list of Democratic Congressional representatives co-sponsored the House bill. The president even took time…
Defining trumpism
There are easily more than a dozen definitions of trumpism published by online dictionaries. My motivation to post another stems from an observation that our nation’s current tensions may stem from a single simple belief. trumpism – the belief that we are entitled to more of the world’s resources, jobs, travel, prosperity and freedoms as…
Five Ways I Support the Paris Accord
A large majority of Americans support the goals of the Paris Accord. A fewer number, like me, take this support a step further by stating that the Paris Accord represents the most significant action that humankind has taken to preserve life on planet earth. We notice that the level of support for voluntary international efforts…
Cities vote to support impeachment investigation
I urge my hometown of Philadelphia to join other cities across the country like Los Angeles, Berkeley, Alameda, Richmond, Charlotte, Cambridge in passing a resolution to support for any legislative action to investigate Trump’s possible violation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the Constitution. We can not rely on federal government to complete an investigation of…
Worst threat ever to your personal financial security
It’s now been more than 30 years since I finished my formal business education in health care administration and more than 20 years since wrapping up tax law handling of health and welfare benefits. I’ve applied this training in an unusual manner to address consumer financial planning issues as an independent adviser rather than actually working within the health…