Category: Small Business
Promotional rate for new individual tax return preparation
Promotional rate for new individual clients: $195. Ask for the “introductory rate” before we prepare your tax engagement agreement. This rate may not be available late in the tax season. Includes: Form 1040 with standard deduction One state tax return Discussion of tax-reducing strategies E-filing with proof of acceptance Return of original documents Additional tax schedules are…
Time to look ahead for work after tax season
Updating the resume and setting minimal earnings requirements Looking ahead to the end of tax season I became concerned with my lack of future work projects. So I updated my online resume and sent out a few inquiries. I also updated a cover letter to go with the resume that is not published online and,…
“Pay half” tax preparation offer draws public discussion
H&R Block has caused commotion within the tax preparation industry last week with its “pay half” offer for new clients. Likewise, Intuit has annoyed some with its TurboTax advertisements suggesting that tax preparation is a simple do-it-yourself project. The TurboTax “It doesn’t take a genius” ad campaign belies the decades of training that tax professionals…
The cheapest, easiest accounting system
With all of the amazing features of online accounting systems offered at price of $10 per month*, it is difficult to understand why some people prefer to continue using paper log books or spreadsheets for their accounting records. Yet I have several clients who keep records on spreadsheets. This works well for small businesses with…
Tax organizer available as a free download
A tax organizer is used to help gather information necessary for income tax return filing. It does not replace the need for original documentation but rather supplements it and serves as a reminder of the information that is necessary. A new short 6 page organizer for individuals or small business owners, titled “2015 Tax Organizer“, is now…
“How much will health insurance cost when…”
It makes sense to plan ahead for the cost of health insurance. It is not surprising that I often receive questions about how much medical insurance will cost when I graduate, after I am divorced or when I leave a job to start a business. Fortunately,the Affordable Care Act includes a provision designed to keep health…
“I don’t have a social security number and want to buy health insurance”
I have a free 15 minute OnlineAdviser telephone consultation scheduled this afternoon with a web site user who wrote “I don’t have a social security number and want to buy health insurance”. Unfortunately, there is still plenty of confusion surrounding this issue so the request is not surprising. I expect that our conversation will clarify:…
Health insurance for farm workers
National Public Radio ran a story this month that says that half of the U.S. farm work force is undocumented and that many cannot afford health insurance. My state of New Jersey officially puts the estimate at 70% but I suspect that it may actually be higher, at least in my region. The article says of the…