Category: Values
Dealing with opposing values in business
I briefly considered working with a business adviser who impresses me as brilliant. Yet business brilliance and social leadership do not necessarily go hand-in-hand. I realized that his values are exactly opposite mine as expressed in this social media post. Separately, I’ve also taken steps recently to distance my business from customers and vendors who do…
Consumer boycotts are working
This post was updated on February 8 after Nordstrom dropped the Trump product line and share price rebounded by 5 percent. Uber also abandoned support for the administration last week and donated $1 million to the resistance movement. Consumer boycotts seem to be picking up more steam this week against a handful of companies like Amazon, Yuengling,…
Civil protest is always ugly and sometimes deadly
Civil disobedience is ugly and inefficient. It is uncomfortable, costs us property and sometimes even lives. But civil protest is by far the most powerful force that exists in society. Certainly the United States would not exist today as a nation if small groups of drunken colonialists had not engaged in shameful behavior of…
Reality has a liberal bias
A friend shared this graphic that appears to have over 2 million views online. That’s encouraging considering all that we are learning of the fake news industry and international propaganda efforts through fake news. I do not know the original source. I commented that conservatives would likely say that those mainstream sources listed as “great…
U.S. risks abadnoning Declaration of Human Rights
The flaws of “putting America first” Long before the nationalistic and discriminatory rhetoric of Trump, the United States committed to uphold the basic human rights of all people of the world equally without preference: “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as…
Three things that would make today a success
I read an online article about a successful executive who had the daily habit each morning of writing himself a note on the topic ‘three things that will make today a success’ and carrying that note in his pocket throughout the day. It sounds like a great idea. I tried a similar version by putting…
Here we go: misdirected but full steam ahead
“My agenda will be based on a simple core principle, putting America first” – Donald Trump on November 21, 2016. As he starts off misguided but stubbornly determined to push in the wrong direction it seems that humanity is in for a difficult time ahead. As one humble and relatively powerless individual citizen, I will continue to scream…
America’s values are not my values
On September 11, 2001, I was shocked to learn how some people’s values could be expressed so violently even within our own country. The event changed my view of the world but did not change my core values. Back then I felt that the majority of Americans shared my core values as we collectively denied the haters their…
The education divide in political leadership
This presidential election cycle, more than any other event or time period in my lifetime, has highlighted the growing divide between people with different levels of formal academic education. The battle is playing out now in my home state and, I think, deserves more discussion despite the obvious risk of backlash. I consider myself to be…