Category: Accounting
Due dilligence and compliance checklist of nonprofit organizations
When associating with a nonprofit organization an accountant, attorney, prospective board member, partner of major business associate should perform a due diligence check of the organization. Additionally, management should undertake a periodic review occasionally just to check to ensure that the organization’s records are up to date. This checklist is prepared to help make that…
Evolution of my small business communication systems
About a month ago I launched a project to update my basic business communication systems. I took my time and looked at options and was surprised how complicated it was to accomplish these basic tasks. The goals were: Simplify and improve voice telephone quality integrate SMS and MMX texting for desktop use and automatic inclusion…
Thoughts about ongoing education
There are more than 700,000 postsecondary degrees, certifications and other credentials available to students in the U.S. who may be seeking to gain more valuable training (Your Money Briefing, October 15, 2021). I’ve lost track of how many of these I’ve taken, but ”dozens” is the most accurate description that I can come up with…
NJELEC clarifications
I called the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission help line for clarification on the following issues related to small local election campaigns: A school board candidate does not need to file an A1 Form. The candidate must sign Form A1 and form D1. The candidate electronic signature can be after the treasurer starts these…
Updated professional payroll services agreement (New Jersey)
I am adding two new small New Jersey organization payroll services this week so it was appropriate to review and update my generic payroll service agreement. This confirms that I offered to establish and administer payroll services for xxxxxxxxxxx. Payroll service includes the following: Timing: The service will start within 1 to 2 business…
2021 New Jersey election: what it means for our small rural depressed communities
30 days from today is the New Jersey election. The anti-incumbent feeling is strong, as usual, but not strong enough to really make a difference. I’ve come to conclude over the years, sadly, that almost nothing at state level elections has much impact on our lives locally in rural South Jersey. Many of our local…
NJ election campaign committee no fee banking services
Purpose This page is meant for candidates for political office who elect to use my no fee services as a volunteer campaign committee treasurer. This is not meant for candidates who pay for services. (If you are paying for campaign banking services then you can design banking services however you want). The service is designed to…
Updated checklist of nonprofit business support services
Thanks to peers this past week, this is an updated list of nonprofit business support services in PDF format. This version is dated 10/28/2021 and includes expanded discussion of an approach to budgeting methodology for external accounting services. Additional periodic revisions are likely as regulations, technology and industry practices evolve.
Revised ‘Best Practices’ in accounting services engagement agreement
I revised the Best Practices section (the wordy section) of my engagement agreements effective September 1, 2021 with a number of small changes but the major change is meant to accommodate the growing portion of clients who prefer an ongoing service agreement rather than repeatedly starting and ending shorter duration services. As before, a sample…
Small business workload shock hits home
Managing my workload now as a small business service provider is unlike any challenge I’ve faced before in my work career. I hear the same from my accountant peers. Some days it seems like I just go from one life emergency to another life emergency, never even reaching normal work tasks. I find it almost…