Category: Small Business
Support for NJ minimum wage bill
Update: Thanks to all who supported this effort over the last several years. The $15 minimum wage proposal is now law in New Jersey. I took time this morning to write to the nine members of the NJ Assembly Labor Committee plus our own two Assemblymen and a local Chamber of Commerce that opposes the…
How to upgrade your small business payroll in 3 easy steps
How to upgrade your small business payroll in 3 easy steps: Download and sign service agreement from If you have prior payroll this year, get a copy of the Year-To-Date reports. Upload these to the secure portal here. THAT’S IT! We’ll take it from there. At lease one phone call will be necessary to…
Full small business service payroll now available at $30.00 per week
Update for 2022: prices are increased for most services but the concepts remain the same. Update: Independent accountants (like us) purchase these payroll processing services under a wholesale arrangement at a lower price and then add an amount to cover our own services. The end result is that it that pricing of payroll services is…
Use of trade name triggers 24% backup withholding
A nonprofit company received notice from the IRS that it is to withhold 24% of the total on future payments to one of its major vendors as “backup withholding. Neither the vendor nor the nonprofit was happy with this burden! It turns out that even though the Taxpayer Identification Number was correct on the Form…
What to expect when outsourcing small business payroll
I often mention to small business owners that one of the easy and surefire ways a small business can get improved level of service, save time and save money is to set up an outsourced payroll service. These are remote services; there is no need to be close to your business. Small businesses can easily…
US Supreme Court’s Mount Lemmon Fire District case impact on small business employee benefits
The US Supreme Court decision issued last week in the case of Mount Lemmon Fire District v. Guido et at. appears to have employee benefit implication to some small business. In general, federal employment laws and specifically employee benefit laws, include applicability provisions that often exempt small business employers or modify the compliance requirements. This case…
A simple view of the 20% pass through deduction
A business friend asked a simple question online: “What doe the pass-through deduction mean to me?” The collective response was so vague and convoluted that I felt sorry for her for asking. After thinking about it, there are two things that are uncertain and one that is certain about the pass-through deduction that directly address…
Online support groups; the concept revisited
My business was boosted incredibly by online support groups for decades. In fact, I can easily say that my past businesses like Medsave (sold in 2008) and OnlineAdviser / OnlineNavigator (no longer active), would not have been successful on building to tens of thousands of users in the 1990s and early 2000s without this online peer…
Reasons for an employer to improve employee benefits
Most of my employee benefit comments focus on effects to the employee. This post briefly lists some of the advantages to the employer. Shows that the employer is ‘in tune’ with employees’ lives. Helps to attract and retain good employees. Employees making decisions on employment offers often overweight the importance of employee benefit issues vs.…