Category: Immigration
Enough with the immigration lies
Introduction: My background with immigration is working with construction, agricultural and fisheries businesses in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania that use immigrants for the majority of their work force. I know dozens of these workers who came here legally on work visas and are still waiting for their extension paperwork. Ironically, some of them…
Checklist and tips on international tax issues
Taxpayers with financial interests both inside and outside the U.S. face the greatest risk of compliance complications with the Internal Revenue Service. We’ve known that collection of taxes on assets and income outside the U.S. has been a major focus of IRS over the past decade. Now the service is taking that effort a step…
Health insurance for illegal immigrants
Illegal immigrants pay at least $12 Billion each year more in wage taxes that they receive in social benefits that the rest of us take for granted. These workers come to the U.S. legally, typically on short-term work visas, with the understanding that they pay regular U.S. wage taxes but do not receive the same benefits…
The real obstacle to immigration reform
I was glad to see this ‘middle of the road’ balanced and non-political coverage of immigration reform in USAToday. “With no major reforms since 1986, our federal immigration laws must be updated. To enhance security, boost the economy, and deal fairly with immigrants seeking to build the American dream. For too long, Washington has avoided…
DACA facts
An average DACA recipient is now 26 years old and came to the US at age six so they have no other roots or foreign ties outside of their life in the U.S for the past 20 years. 91% of them are employed and pay the same US wage taxes without receiving the benefits that…
Defining trumpism
There are easily more than a dozen definitions of trumpism published by online dictionaries. My motivation to post another stems from an observation that our nation’s current tensions may stem from a single simple belief. trumpism – the belief that we are entitled to more of the world’s resources, jobs, travel, prosperity and freedoms as…
Health insurance help for illegal immigrants
My free online advisory service launched in the 1990s provides bits of financial advice to people; mostly on issues related to small business operation. The topical subjects of these questions have shifted over time and now quite often come from people who have trouble finding affordable health insurance or covering uninsured health care expenses. I presume this means that…
The second largest threat to Pennsylvania small business
Let’s be clear: Legal and illegal immigration accounts for a huge part of the region’s economic progress. The difference between legal and illegal immigration in our region is not “border jumping” but expired visas – just paperwork that the federal government need to fix. Most undocumented workers came here legally and continue to support our…
Limitations on free tax preparation for 2016 returns
Each tax season I am pleased to prepare some individual tax preparation services for n fee except the filing fee. My online filing service provider’s fee is $20 per return so the tax filer must cover this cost. My offer is usually made to a small number of middle income neighbors as a way to promote my…
Support for immigration reform
I am committed to support the right of individuals to travel freely across political borders. The U.S. Constitution ensures equal representation for all individuals living in the United States, regardless of immigration status. Noncitizens lack the right to vote in federal elections but they have the right to have their voices heard by their representatives…