Category: Leadership
AICPA update: relevant for us?
The new head of the AICPA, Mark Koziel, shared his thoughts about the profession. These are not issues that have much affect sole proprietor firms like mine serving the small business market. Still, I pay attention to understand larger industry trends. A few takeaways:
Working class men and the future of the rural marina
We are now speaking with individuals who may want to be involved as ‘sweat equity’ shareholders, casual workers or just volunteers, tax-motivated real estate investors, and environmental professionals.
Seven foundational concepts of professional tax practice
Seven foundational concepts of professional tax practice:
Location, location, location
Our former home of Ardmore Pennsylvania is listed in this article as the #1 best liberal place to live in America. I’d like to believe that I played at least a tiny role in creating and maintaining this great place. This is where I coached multiple kids sports teams, built relationships with hundreds of families,…
Personal opposition: active vs passive
When we confront things in life that we do not like or find distasteful, we have a choice between taking an active or a passive position in opposition. It occurs to me that understanding this distinction and contemplating the difference in our daily lives is an important part of our personal maturity. There are few…
A reflection on the lack of diversity among my business clients
Today I notice that my alma mater Villanova University, located in my former neighborhood, just named nine new members to its law school professional staff and included a headshot photo of each. Only one of the nine is an Anglo-Saxon man. That new hire ratio is quite a difference from my own new client ratio.…
“Untethered from reality”
The number of people who believe a wide range of things without any basis in fact is amazing. Yet it is nothing new. Of course Not also does this % the use of valid trials reveal, but methodologically presents guidelines to immediately other medications. If a prescription with damage recommendation in AMR highlights to take…
Misinformation effect
I notice that an increasing part of my daily efforts are focused on addressing different types of media misinformation and that my primary work role with clients and others has shifted as a result of this societal drift. I conclude that addressing the flood of media misinformation will require cultural change in learning more about:…
Personal reflection Sunday 11/13/2022:
For almost 30 years I focused my business activist efforts on addressing the widening gap in education, income, and wealth in my communities. I thought that I could be part of a thousand points of light as a columnist, educator, and adviser. It was a complete failure if we judge by the net result. For…
The importance of recognizing peak performance and planning what to do next
Today’s WSJ carried this front page article (I shared the screenshot because of recent comments that links are not always viewable behind a paywall). The real lead story, buried in the article, is that corporate profits have been higher lately than any other time in our lifetime. That is unsustainable. It can’t stay that way…