Category: Small Business
Responding to false tax and accounting advice
I ran across a social media post tonight that was blatantly false. What’s the big deal? We see that every day, right? This specific post on LinkedIn bothered me because the topic was IRS taxes. The post provides entirely incorrect information that a non-professional reader would not likely recognize as false. The author lists advanced…
20 Simple and Inexpensive Things You Can Do to Improve Your Firm’s Employee Benefit Plan
There are likely plenty of easy ways to make your employee benefit plan dollars go further: Host an occasional, informal and voluntary on-site meeting where employees can ask an independent adviser questions about their benefits. Host occasional, informal and voluntary on-site educational programs so employees understand the link between benefit plans, taxes and their overall…
The most important tax tip of the year
Take advantage of the most generous part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, known as Section 199A by; 1) Exploring whether your business CAN benefit, and 2) Settling protocol to make sure that your business DOES qualify based on the 184 pages of proposed regulations just released this month. The important thing is to…
Three QuickBooks insights
Intuit is the world’s leading publisher of tax and accounting software. The company offers both self-serve and professionally assisted platforms. These published insights are useful: 1. QuickBooks dominates QuickBooks is used by 82% of small businesses that use accounting software. The market dominance speaks for itself, 2. Small business prefer getting help Nine out of…
Make small business payroll service pay for itself
Recently I published a series of short blog posts on the topic of payroll processing for small businesses. In summary, I’ve suggested that today’s automated payroll services are a fantastic value but that coördination and oversight by a small business compensation professional helps avoid problems and penalties that stem from miscommunication. I’ve suggested that the…
What small employers need to know about New Jersey’s sick leave law
Update June 21: My friends at Workplace offered to extend an invitation to those in the Philadelphia region to a seminar at Tavistock Country Club in Haddonfield NJ on Wednesday July 18th at 8am. Find more information at this Facebook event or register online here. New Jersey just passed a sick leave law that affects…
HRA for spouse of business owner?
(This inform is not updated to reflect 2019 proposed regulations so should be presumed to be partially obsolete). Can a business with only one employee – the spouse of the sole proprietor – be eligible for a Health Reimbursement Arrangement? I can not give that assurance but at least one popular tax speaker says that…
Small business part time help matchmaker project
I’ve noticed that my businesses and other local businesses are having a tougher time finding workers for occasional projects so I started a project yesterday in an attempt to address the issue. The goal is to meet more people who are looking for various types of work and assess their interests, skills and availability. Then…