Category: Small Business
Edge vs. Chrome for small business
I am considering switching from Chrome to Edge as a primary business browser on Windows 10 machines. Security will be the highest consideration in the decision with privacy, speed and resource consumption also important issues. No decision is made yet. One thing is clear: the two were not even close until the most recent fall…
How comfortable are you with your small business’ online security?
We already know that a large portion of cyber attacks reportedly target small businesses. SCORE put out a useful summary report earlier this year and this article by People Driven Solutions gives a good overview. CURRENT STANDARDS What should we do about it? Most of my clients follow these basics standards: Keep software up…
Tech changes this week rock small businesses
Both of these issues came in the last days of September. As of today, I only know that both issues deserve more attention. MICROSOFT: This is significant technical news for the legal and accounting fields as well as many other small businesses who use a Windows based system to manage data. Bottom line: I will…
New problem with cellular internet
Preface: Of course Murphy’s Law dictates that this internet access issue rose to a crisis status in the last two business days before the business tax filing deadline on Monday. I’ve been thinking how ironic it would be if lack of internet access is the factor that finally causes me to leave my home office…
Amazon’s decline can hurt the CFO’s reputation
An article in today’s Wall Street Journal talks about failure of Amazon to maintain quality control over its retail network. I wish it had been published two months ago. I was ‘late to the party’ in adapting Amazon as a preferred provider of supplies for my small business clients but finally made that commitment this…
Reduce business checking fees
Today’s banking services are less expensive in the past but banks’ revenues are actually greater today. Why? Banks add extra fees for add-on services that can be avoided but only with proper management oversight. For example, most of the nation’s bill payment processors charge a hefty fee for cancelling and replacing a lost check. Many…
“To pay a vendor”
I’d love to discuss how your business can pay bills more quickly, with better management control and at a lower overall cost. Please the chat box below or the scheduling link to make an introduction. Businesses routinely pay vendors as part of normal operations. We commonly refer to our requirement to “pay the bills”. There…
25 Reasons small businesses choose HRA plans
Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) are praised for financial savings and flexibility